Risk is
defined as the exposure to the chance of hazard, harm, injury or loss. Risk is something to which we all have
differing responses. On the one had some
of us seek to avoid risk at all costs by taking extreme care, while on the
other hand some actively seek it out.

As I reflect
upon scripture I see revealed an aspect of God’s character as being a
risk-taker. This is perhaps best
expressed in the Incarnation, with the loving Father sending his Son, as a weak
and vulnerable baby to be born in a hostile land, in an unclean stable and with
a ‘Wanted’ label on his head from Herod.
This supreme step of mission was riddled with risk from start to
finish. Yet there was a time when Jesus
walked away, through a crowd, from conflict (Luke 4:28-30). When do we stand and face the risk and when
do we run?
Then, if we
turn our sights to the early church, we once again see risk at almost every
turn. A weak and vulnerable group of
people commissioned to go and make disciples in that same hostile
environment. A group of people who faced
persecution, exclusion, imprisonment and death.
The Apostle Paul wrote of his life with these words – “As servants of
God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles,
hardships and distresses; in beatings imprisonments and riots; in hard work,
sleepless nights and hunger…” (2 Cor 6:4-6).
Paul faced risk in his following of Christ and yet there were occasions
when he ran away from it (Acts 9:23-24).
When do we stand and face the risk and when do we run?
Returning to
the context of Central Asia, one approach has been not to court risk and persecution,
or to run from it in search of personal well-being, but rather to be a wise witness
- to walk through difficulty if it comes.
The New Testament letters were written to people in situations of risk
and I find Peter’s first letter to be of particular help with the challenge to
live good lives in hostile settings (1 Peter 2:12) and in doing so, to provoke
questions (1 Peter 3:15). Whether in
Central Asia or in the UK a mission encounter in my view demands wise risk-taking.